If you are thinking about joining the society, the information provided below will help you in the application process. We look forward to meeting your professional and organization goals. Thank you for considering becoming one of our valued local CCSHRM Chapter members and look forward to welcoming you soon!
You will receive an email from within one week of submitting your application. Remember, we serve the community and those in the HR and management professions. If you are a Charlotte County, Englewood or Punta Gorda Chamber member, please inquire about our special offer.
Who can Join?
Membership may be granted to persons who, at the time of application, are at least one of the following:
Responsibly engaged in the practice of human resources management with at least one to three years experience in human resources work or the equivalent.
Demonstrate a bona-fide interest in human resources management and the CCSHRM association.
Hold an assistant, associate, or full professional rank in human resources management or specialized phases as a faculty members of an accredited college or university, AND who have one to three years experience at this level, or the equivalent.
Membership Dues and Fees
Membership dues cover the period from January 1 through December 31.
Local Membership Only - $60
Local & National Membership - If you are a national SHRM member at the time of application, your Local CCSHRM Chapter membership dues are $50 provided the application includes your primary SHRM membership email.
Retired/Student Membership- $30
See Membership Application link to the left to join or renew now!