Become a CCSHRM member!
We Would Love to Have You Join Us...
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of CCSHRM! We welcome your participation and look forward to welcoming you as a new member. Membership is limited to exempt and non-exempt HR personnel and HR-related industry professionals.
Vision & Mission
As the recognized local association of human resource professionals, we serve our members and our community through networking, sharing of resources, education, and leadership. Our involved members strive to make a difference by assisting human resource professionals and the community with human resource challenges.
The purpose of our Charlotte County SHRM chapter is to provide an opportunity for growth and development for human resource professionals within our community. It is our goal to be the local leading authority on human resource issues. It is with this purpose in mind that we serve our members.
Qualifications for Membership: To achieve the mission of the Chapter there shall be no discrimination in individual memberships because of race, religion, sex, age, national origin or handicap. Memberships are individual and are not transferable to other individuals. Interested members should read our CHAPTER BYLAWS for more information.
Professional Membership: Membership shall be limited to those individuals who are (a) engaged in the profession of human resource management for at least three years; (b) certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute; (c) faculty members holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in human resources management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited college or university and have at least three years of experience at this level of teaching; (d) full-time consultants with at least three years’ experience in the field of human resources management; (e) full-time attorneys with at least three years’ experience in counseling and advising clients on matters relating to the human resource profession. Professional members may vote and hold office in the chapter.
Associate Members: Individuals in non-exempt human resource management positions as well as those individuals who do not meet the professional member category, but who demonstrate a bona fide interest in human resources management and the mission of the Chapter. Associate members may not vote or hold office in the Chapter.
Student Members: Individuals who are enrolled as full-time students in human resources degree programs at the college or university level. Student members may not vote or hold office in the Chapter.
Member Meetings
Regular Meetings: Regular meetings for members are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month or otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. Meeting announcements are issued electronically just prior to all meetings as a courtesy to all members.
Membership Dues and Fees
Member benefits include access to CCSHRM membership directory, educational luncheon meetings with HRCI & SHRM Re-Certification Credits, monthly newsletter, industry relations introductions and attendance to evening mixers. Board membership participation includes attendance to HR Florida Leadership Conference and SHRM National support. Better together – SHRM membership and chapter membership are the perfect combination. Join national SHRM and enjoy access to worldwide benefits and reduced-cost chapter membership fees. If you are interested in SHRM or HRCI certification, please inquire with our certification chairperson.
A Membership Application is necessary for all new members. Current members can use our membership renewal invoice to update information changes such as last name, address, organization and/or title. Attendance at regular monthly meetings and mixers requires separate payment.
Membership dues cover the period from January 1 through December 31. Dues are not prorated for renewals. New members who join between October 1 and December 31 are covered from date of approval until December 31 of the following year.
It is through collaborative events and relationships that we are able to flourish as a chapter and community to strengthen our partnerships. Sponsors may provide the Chapter Board with emails that you will receive promoting services and products relative to your supervisory and/or HR role. You may opt out by emailing
Membership Tiers
- $50 Annually with a National SHRM Membership: To receive discount, you must provide your SHRM membership number at the time of application. If Charlotte County SHRM (CCSHRM) is not your home chapter, please indicate home chapter on application.
- $60 Annually without a National SHRM Membership
- $30 Annually for Student Membership and Retiree Membership